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The world is filled with extraordinary talent, and right in our very own neighborhood, a treasure trove of artists awaits. From visionary painters to ingenious photographers and musical creators, our local artists are at the forefront of redefining art as we know it. Join us for an artist spotlight as we delve into the heart of their creative processes and gain insight into the inspiration that fuels their imaginations.

Artist Spotlight: Ian Flux

Ian Flux’s private studio at Lockout is a music producer’s dream come true. Offering affordable rates on production, film scoring, mixing projects, drum loop creation, sound design, and more!  With a primary focus on Metal, Industrial, Electronic, and Rock Music, Ian Flux has spent over 10 years as a freelance producer and engineer working at his own studio with several local artists, as well as the last 3+ years as a contract engineer for Orange, CA-based studio, Hear No Evil Studio.

What got you interested in music production?

From a very young age, I was always fascinated by how some of my favorite music came to exist on physical artifacts for home consumption.  The science and methods behind this process always allured me.  So I have always been involved in recording my own music using 4 track tapes or free software on the home computer.  Eventually, this culminated in learning ProTools and Ableton Live in my mid-20’s.  

What inspires you to make/produce music?

Anything from artists I grew up listening to, to contemporary ones I highly respect.  But my biggest inspiration is probably movies.  I am also a filmmaker, and I adore the creative process of making movies and music videos.  Horror, science fiction, drama, historical, etc.  If it’s an inspired film, it will likely inspire me to write music.  I also draw a lot of lyrical inspiration from books.  I mostly read historical non-fiction or true crime these days.  And to me, that stuff is majorly inspiring to get the message across that my band tries to convey.

Your studio looks like a very comfortable space. How does your lockout help influence your creative flow?

Thank you!  It’s fairly-sized, so I’ve been able to mold the room into a solid creative space for all of my personal needs.  Not to mention it’s very inviting to my clients when I have sessions with them.  I have a lot of gear in there, but it’s never cramped or cluttered.  So I have all of my instruments and devices within arm’s reach for any scenario my projects may call for.


Before your lockout was it difficult finding a space to create?

Yes, absolutely.  For a long time, I shared other lockouts with members of other bands I played in.  And I’ve often had my recording and mixing desk at home.  But that ran its course and a dedicated spot became crucial.

What’s your biggest recording session pet peeve?

Distractions.  Whether it’s sound bleed from neighbors or software / hardware malfunction, it can really derail the creative process and mood you’ve established getting to a certain point.  I am always trying to eliminate distractions in order to get into the creative headspace.

What’s your must have item for every recording session?

If it’s just me, my midi controller and a guitar.

If you could session with any artist alive or dead who would it be and why?

Trent Reznor, because I have a massive amount of respect for him and I think his instincts are top notch.  Plus it would just be a dream come true to work with someone whose musical sensibilities I feel align with mine.  Not to mention someone I grew up listening to.

Do you have any creative tips for aspiring artists and music producers?

Avoid distractions and learn all you can about the tools you’re using.  You can never have enough information to round out your skills in the medium you’re operating within.    

Now’s your chance to plug any artists you think deserve the spotlight…

The music I make and the artists I work with are primarily industrial and metal.  That being said, Mark Dalbeth (who goes by Rav Medic) is an amazing songwriter and musician.  Also, LA friends Contracult Collective, Inva//id, and my good friends from Austin, TX, Dread Risks, are all doing amazing work in the realm of heavy / electronic music.  And I have no shame in self-promoting my own band, Fact Pattern.  I am really proud of the music and videos we are making.

Lockout Studios

Having a dedicated space to practice and rehearse can improve your productivity and help you stay focused on your music. When you have a specific place to go to work on your music, you are more likely to stay on track and make progress towards your goals.

Basically, our creative rehearsal space can offer many benefits to artists from all backgrounds. From sound isolation to no distractions, 24 hour access to equipment, and the ability to collaborate, a lockout rehearsal space can help you take your art to the next level.

If you are serious about your music, and you are looking for a space to practice and rehearse before you perform in front of an audience, Lockout Music Studios may be the solution you have been looking for.

NEW! Now Available For Musicians And Artists To Move-In!

Just Listed! Our San Bernardino office features top-of-the-line facilities, private rehearsal rooms, and a lounge area for artists to take a break!

With 24-hour access, Lockout Music Studios provides a professional and comfortable environment for musicians to practice, perform, and record their music, allowing them to reach new heights in their craft.